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SPECIES Dasymys nudipes

Author:Peters, 1870.
Citation:Jorn. Sci. Math., Phys. Nat., Lisboa, ser. 1, 3: 126.
Common Name:Angolan Dasymys
Type Locality:Angola, Humpata, 15°01’S, 13°21’E (based on neotype designated by W. Verheyen et al., 2003:38).
Distribution:Apparently endemic to the Angolan Plateau (Huambo highlands) in WC Angola (the range in WC Angola, not that indicated in SE Angola, mapped by Crawford-Cabral, 1998:154); see W. Verheyen et al. (2003).
Status:IUCN – Data Deficient.
Comments:Treated by G. M. Allen (1939), Hill and Carter (1941), and Roberts (1951) as a species, but included in D. incomtus by Ellerman (1941) and most later writers of lists (for example, Ansell, 1978; Meester et al., 1986; Misonne, 1974). Crawford-Cabral (1983) recorded sympatry between D. nudipes and D. incomtus in Angola, and our survey of series from Chitau identified as D. nudipes by Hill and Carter (1941:98) revealed that it consists of both D. nudipes and D. incomtus, qualitative observations supported by multivariate analyses of morphometric traits (Crawford-Cabral and Pacheco, 1989; W. Verheyen et al., 2003). Specimens from Lukolela (Équateur) and Luluabourg (Kasaï-Occidental), in Dem. Rep. Congo, have been included in D. nudipes (Crawford-Cabral, 1983), but these are examples of D. incomtus (in AMNH). We examined the holotype and only specimen of edsoni, described as a subspecies of D. nudipes from Lukolela, middle Dem. Rep. Congo (Hatt, 1934b), and it too is an example of D. incomtus. Samples from the Okavango Basin, formerly considered examples of D. nudipes, represent D. cabrali (see that account).
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