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SPECIES Tatera indica

Author:Hardwicke, 1807.
Citation:Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., 8: 279.
Common Name:Indian Gerbil
Type Locality:India, United Province, between Benares and Hardwar.
Distribution:An extensive range from SE Anatolia in Turkey (Yi—it et al., 2001), Syria, Iraq, and Kuwait through Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan into most of Indian Peninsula north to the Terai region of S Nepal; also Sri Lanka (see Bates, 1988).
Status:IUCN – Lower Risk (lc).
Comments:Revised by Bates (1988), who recognized three distinctive subspecies. Regional reviews include the segments from Arabian Peninsula (Harrison and Bates, 1991), SE Turkey (Yi—it et al., 2001), Syria (Misonne, 1957), Iran (Lay, 1967; Morshed and Patton, 2002), Afghanistan (Hassinger, 1973), Pakistan (Roberts, 1977), and India (Agrawal, 2000; Chakraborty and Agrawal, 2000). This is the only species that Pavlinov (1981b) and Pavlinov et al. (1990) allocated to Tatera. Karyotype and chromosomal polymorphism of Indian samples documented by Rao et al. (1968) and Yosida (1981); chromosomal data summarized by Qumsiyeh and Schlitter (1991), and karyotype of Turkish population (2n = 68, FN = 84) documented by Yi—it et al. (2001). Ecology and distribution in the Aravalli Ranges in Rajasthan, India documented by Prakash et al. (1995a, b). Late Pleistocene fossils from C India described as T. cf indica by Patnaik (1995).
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    bailwardi Wroughton, 1906
    ceylonica Wroughton, 1906
    cuvieri (Waterhouse, 1838)
    dunni Wroughton, 1917
    hardwickei (Gray, 1843)
    monticola Wroughton, 1906
    otarius (Cuvier, 1838)
    persica Wroughton, 1906
    pitmani Cheesman, 1921
    scansa Wroughton, 1906
    sherrini Wroughton, 1917
    taeniurus (Wagner, 1843)

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