Author: | Carruthers and Schwarz, 1935. |
Citation: | Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1935: 155. |
Common Name: | Saudi Gazelle |
Type Locality: | Saudi Arabia, "Dhalm, about 150 miles [241 km] north-east of Mecca, central Arabia, 3500 feet [1067 m]". |
Distribution: | Formerly Saudi Arabia and Yemen; one record dubiously from Kuwait; single reported specimen from S Iraq is G. subgutturosa marica (Mallon and Kingswood, 2001); extinct in the wild. |
Status: | U.S. ESA – Endangered as G. dorcas saudiya; IUCN – Extinct in the Wild. |
Comments: | A species distinct from G. dorcas according to Groves (1988). Status reviewed by Mallon and Kingswood (2001). |