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HOME --> CLASS MAMMALIA  --> ORDER CHIROPTERA  --> FAMILY Vespertilionidae  --> SUBFAMILY Miniopterinae  --> GENUS Miniopterus

SPECIES Miniopterus pusillus

Author:Dobson, 1876.
Citation:Monogr. Asiatic Chiroptera: 162.
Common Name:Small Long-fingered Bat
Type Locality:India, Nicobar Isls (NW of Sumatra).
Distribution:India, Nepal, and Burma to Sumatra and Timor (Indonesia), Philippines, and Moluccas.
Status:IUCN 2003 and IUCN/SSC Action Plan (2001) – Lower Risk (lc).
Comments:Reviewed by Hill (1983), Corbet and Hill (1992), Bates and Harrison (1997), and Kitchener and Suyanto (2002). Philippine records may actually represent australis; see Heaney et al. (1998). Does not seem to include macrocneme; see Sanborn and Nicholson (1950), Flannery (1995a, b), and Bonaccorso (1998), although also see Kitchener and Suyanto (2002), who treated macrocneme as a subspecies of pusillus but did not examine specimens of macrocneme sensu stricto. Some specimens from SE Asia previously identified as schreibersii may represent pusillus; see Hendrichsen et al. (2001b). Kitchener and Suyanto (2002) recognized but did not name a subspecies from Alor, Roti, Timor, Ambon, probably Seram, and possibly Sulawesi.



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