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SPECIES Zapus hudsonius

Author:Zimmermann, 1780.
Citation:Geogr. Gesch. Mensch. Vierf. Thiere, 2: 358.
Common Name:Meadow Jumping Mouse
Type Locality:Canada, Ontario, Hudson Bay, Fort Severn (see Anderson, 1942b).
Distribution:USA and Canada: S Alaska to S Coast Hudson Bay to Labrador, south to E North Carolina and NW South Carolina, southwest to NW Alabama, north to NE Mississippi and Tennessee, west to NE Oklahoma, northwest to SE Montana, northeast to SE Saskatchewan, northwest to C and S British Columbia. Isolated populations in S Wyoming, NC Colorado, N and C New Mexico, and EC Arizona.
Status:U. S. ESA – Threatened as Z. h. preblei; IUCN – Endangered as Z. h. preblei, Vulnerable as Z. h. campestris, Lower Risk (nt) as Z. h luteus, otherwise Lower Risk (lc).
Comments:Distinguishing Z. hudsonius from Z. princeps using repeated cranial measurements elaborated by Conner and Shenk (2003). The S Rocky Mtn population originally described as luteus, formerly assigned to princeps, was shown to represent hudsonius by Hafner et al. (1981). Diagnosis, records and range map (excluding Mississippi), provided by Hall (1981). Mississippi record given by Kennedy et al. (1982). Results of new survey for the species in New Mexico reported by Morrison (1992), and population in NE Oklahoma reviewed by Kasper et al. (1993). Reviewed by Whitaker (1972, Mammalian Species, 11; 1999b), and Whitaker and Hamilton (1998). For synonyms see Hall (1981).



    acadicus Anderson, 1942
    alascensis Merriam, 1897
    americanus Barton, 1799
    australis Bailey, 1913
    brevipes Bole and Moulthrop, 1942
    campestris Preble, 1899
    canadensis (Davies, 1798)
    hardyi Batchelder, 1899
    intermedius Krutzsch, 1954
    labradorius (Kerr, 1792)
    ladas Bangs, 1899
    luteus Miller, 1911
    microcephalus (Harlan, 1839)
    ontarioensis Anderson, 1943
    pallidus Cockrum and Baker, 1950
    preblei Krutzsch, 1954
    rafinesquei Bole and Moulthrop, 1942
    tenellus Merriam, 1897

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