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SPECIES Stylodipus sungorus

Author:Sokolov and Shenbrot, 1987.
Citation:Zool. Zh., 66(4): 580.
Common Name:Mongolian Three-toed Jerboa
Type Locality:SW Mongolia, Altai Gobi, north slope Takhin-Shara-Nuru (Tahiyn-Shar-Nuruu) range, 15 km E Tsargin.
Distribution:SW Mongolia, possibly Xinjiang, China (see Sokolov and Shenbrot, 1987b:585).
Status:IUCN – Lower Risk (lc).
Comments:On the basis of the length and breadth of the molar row, size of auditory bullae, and phallic characters (Sokolov and Shenbrot, 1987b), S. sungorus appears to be distinct from S. telum. Relationship and distribution relative to S. andrewsi and S. telum is unclear and needs further study (see Sokolov and Shenbrot, 1987b). See comment under S. andrewsi.



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