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HOME --> CLASS MAMMALIA  --> ORDER RODENTIA  --> SUBORDER SCIUROMORPHA  --> FAMILY Gliridae  --> SUBFAMILY Graphiurinae  --> GENUS Graphiurus  --> SUBGENUS Aethoglis

SPECIES Graphiurus (Aethoglis) nagtglasii

Author:Jentink, 1888.
Citation:Notes Leyden Mus., 10: 38-39.
Common Name:Nagtglas’ African Dormouse
Type Locality:Liberia, DuQueah River, Hill Town (see Holden, In Press).
Distribution:West Africa: Sierra Leone, Liberia (Coe, 1975; Kuhn, 1965), SE Guinea, Côte d’Ivoire (Aellen, 1965; Heim de Balsac and Lamotte, 1958), Ghana (Jeffrey, 1973), Togo, Nigeria (Happold, 1987), Cameroon (Robbins and Schlitter, 1981; Schlitter et al., 1985), Central African Republic, and Gabon. For West Africa reviews see Rosevear (1969) and Grubb et al. (1998).
Status:IUCN – Lower Risk (lc) as G. hueti.
Comments:Subgenus Aethoglis. Does not include monardi (see that account). Grubb and Ansell (1996) recommended applying the name G. nagtglasii to the large West African dormouse traditionally known as G. hueti de Rochebrune. Their argument is supported by the dubious nature of the type locality of G. hueti given by de Rochebrune (1883), the lack of an available or likely holotype for G. hueti and existence of a holotype for nagtglasii, and because the animal used by de Rochebrune as a model to figure G. hueti is probably from Gabon, not Senegal (the type locality of G. hueti). Despite de Rochebrune’s (1883) claims, the occurrence of Nagtglas’ Dormouse in Senegal and The Gambia has never been substantiated (Grubb and Ansell, 1996). Karyotype of Côte d’Ivoire specimen given by Tranier and Dosso (1979). Reviewed by Rossolimo et al. (2001) and Holden (In Press). See comments under G. crassicaudatus. For synonyms see G. M. Allen (1939), and Grubb and Ansell (1996).



    argenteus (G. M. Allen, 1936)
    hueti de Rochebrune, 1883

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